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Cores Colour

JZ : Black cores with white numbering + yellow / green
OZ : Black cores with white numbering
JB : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293 + yellow - green
OB : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293


Stranded bare Cu conductor
Strand structure according to IEC-60228, class 5
Low Smoke Halogen Free Compound insulation
Low Smoke Halogen Free Compound grey colour Sheath


This cable is used as control and connecting cables for tooling machinery, production lines, conveyor and assembly line as well as in construction plant, where human lives or valuable properties need to be protected against damage cause by fire. This cable is ideal for medium loads and flexible application for free movements without forced movement and tensile load. Suitable to use for installation in dry, moist and wet rooms, indoor.

Properties Under Fire

Flame retardancy : IEC - 60332-1
Flame properties : IEC - 60332-24 (Cat C)
Halogen Free : IEC - 60754-1
Non corrosive combustion gas             : IEC - 60754-2
Low smoke density : IEC - 61034-2

Electrical & Technical Data

Rated voltage : 300/500V
Test voltage : 1000VAC/1 min
Insulation Resistance : min. 20 MΩ x Km
Max. working temperature                  : 700C
Min. laying temperature : -50C
Bending radius  : 15 x cable diameter

Cross section


Outer Diameter

Cable Weight
2 x 0.5 4.7 36
3 x 0.5 5.0 43
4 x 0.5 5.6 54
5 x 0.5 6.1 66
7 x 0.5 6.6 81
8 x 0.5 7.8 100
10 x 0.5 9.5 134
12 x 0.5 9.6 141
14 x 0.5 10 161
16 x 0.5 10.7 186
18 x 0.5 11,4 211
21 x 0.5 12 224
25 x 0.5 13.6 271
34 x 0.5 14.5 325
40 x 0.5 15.3 395
42 x 0.5 15.8 432
50 x 0.5 16.6 501
61 x 0.5 19.4 595
2 x 0.75 5.9 54
3 x 0.75 6.2 63
4 x 0.75 6.7 75
5 x 0.75 7.3 91
7 x 0.75 7.9 112
8 x 0.75 8.7 132
10 x 0.75 10.4 170
12 x 0.75 10.6 181
14 x 0.75 11.2 215
16 x 0.75 11.8 242
18 x 0.75 12.4 268
21 x 0.75 13.1 288
25 x 0.75 15 353
34 x 0.75 17 472
42 x 0.75 18.2 560
50 x 0.75 20 660
61 x 0.75 21.2 772
2 x 1 6.3 63
3 x 1 6.6 74
4 x 1 7.2 90
5 x 1 7.8 108
7 x 1 8.7 140
8 x 1 9.4 160
10 x 1 11.2 210
12 x 1 11.5 225
14 x 1 12.1 262
16 x 1 12.7 293
18 x 1 13.4 328
20 x 1 14.1 352
21 x 1 14.3 358
24 x 1 16.0 427
25 x 1 16.3 434
32 x 1 17.7 538
34 x 1 18.4 579
42 x 1 19.9 698
50 x 1 21.7 813
61 x 1 23.2 966
2 x 1.5 7.3 87
3 x 1.5 7.7 104
4 x 1.5 8.6 130
5 x 1.5 9.4 158
7 x 1.5 10.3 199
8 x 1.5 11.3 233
10 x 1.5 13.2 296
12 x 1.5 13.6 318
14 x 1.5 14.5 378
16 x 1.5 15.3 427
18 x 1.5 16.1 476
21 x 1.5 17.3 523
25 x 1.5 19.8 638
32 x 1.5 21.2 776
34 x 1.5 22.3 849
37 x 1.5 22.7 881
42 x 1.5 23.9 1011
50 x 1.5 26.4 1199
61 x 1.5 28,2 1422
2 x 2.5 8.1 115
3 x 2.5 8.8 146
4 x 2.5 9.6 179
5 x 2.5 10.6 221
7 x 2.5 11.7 284
8 x 2.5 12.6 323
10 x 2.5 15.0 419
12 x 2.5 15.5 458
14 x 2.5 16.3 534
16 x 2.5 17.4 613
18 x 2.5 18.3 682
21 x 2.5 19.6 750
25 x 2.5 22.4 912
34 x 2.5 25.4 1227
42 x 2.5 27.5 1486
50 x 2.5 30 1727
61 x 2.5 32 2061
3 x 4 10.6 221
4 x 4 11.8 277
5 x 4 12.9 339
6 x 4 14.3 410
7 x 4 14.7 438
3 x 6 12.1 302
4 x 6 13.3 374
5 x 6 14.8 468
7 x 6 16.1 596
3 x 10 15.3 495
4 x 10 17.0 629
5 x 10 18.7 767
7 x 10 20.7 998
3 x 16 17.9 725
4 x 16 19.9 925
5 x 16 22.1 1142
7 x 16 24.2 1476
3 x 25 22.8 1156
4 x 25 25.5 1482
5 x 25 28.3 1828
3 x 35 26.1 1560
4 x 35 29.0 1990
5 x 35 32.3 2465
3 x 50 30.6 2186
4 x 50 34.0 2790
3 x 70 34.5 2907
4 x 70 38.5 3733