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Cores Colour

JZ : Black cores with white numbering + yellow - green
OZ : Black cores with white numbering
JB : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293 + yellow - green
OB  : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293


Stranded bare copper conductor
Strand structure as per IEC 60228, class 5
Low Smoke Halogen Free insulated cores
Core twisted in layers
Film wrapping
Tinned copper braided screening approx. 85% coverage
Low Smoke Halogen Free outer sheath
Sheath colour : grey, RAL7001


Use in facilities where human lives or valuable properties need to be protected against damage cause by fire. These cables are ideal for voice communication in telecommunication system, for pulse, signal, data transmission application, in public address, two way intercom system and for all applications where high frequency interference can occur.

Properties Under Fire

Flame retardancy : IEC - 60332-1
Flame properties : IEC - 60332-24 (Cat C)
Halogen Free : IEC - 60754-1
Non corrosive combustion gas    : IEC - 60754-2
Low smoke density : IEC - 61034-2

Electrical & Technical Data

Working voltage Uo/U                : 300/500 V
Test voltage  : 1000 VAC/1 min
Insulation resistance : ≥ 20 MΩ x km
Min. bending radius  : approx. 15 x cable diameter
Temperature range -500C to + 700C (Moved)
-300C to + 700C (Unmoved)

Cross section


Outer Diameter

Cable Weight
2 x 0.5 5.7 46
3 x0.5 6.2 59
4 x 0.5 6.6 69
5 x 0.5 7.1 82
6 x 0.5 7.5 101
7 x 0.5 7.9 104
8 x 0.5 8.4 117
10 x 0.5 9.9 154
12 x 0.5 10.3 167
14 x 0.5 10.9 189
15 x 0.5 11.5 210
16 x 0.5 11.5 213
18 x 0.5 12.1 243
19 x 0.5 12.3 247
20 x 0.5 12.6 262
21 x 0.5 12.8 265
24 x 0.5 14.4 325
25 x 0.5 14.6 329
30 x 0.5 15.2 372
32 x 0.5 15.7 398
34 x 0.5 16.3 435
37 x 0.5 16.5 446
40 x 0.5 17.1 479
42 x 0.5 17.8 516
50 x 0.5 19.5 603
61 x 0.5 20.7 699
2 x 0.75 6.3 58
3 x 0.75 6.6 70
4 x 0.75 7.1 84
5 x 0.75 7.9 105
6 x 0.75 8.3 122
7 x 0.75 8.5 128
8 x 0.75 9.3 150
10 x 0.75 11.0 197
12 x 0.75 11.4 213
14 x 0.75 12.1 244
15 x 0.75 12.5 268
16 x 0.75 12.7 273
18 x 0.75 13.3 312
19 x 0.75 13.5 317
20 x 0.75 13.9 342
21 x 0.75 14.1 347
24 x 0.75 15.8 415
25 x 0.75 16.0 421
30 x 0.75 16.8 479
32 x 0.75 17.3 510
34 x 0.75 17.9 554
37 x 0.75 18.1 570
40 x 0.75 18.7 611
42 x 0.75 19.6 662
50 x 0.75 21.4 772
61 x 0.75 22.7 897
2 x 1 6.7 66
3 x 1 7.0 81
4 x 1 7.8 102
5 x 1 8.4 123
7 x 1 9.3 157
8 x 1 9.9 177
10 x 1 12.1 243
12 x 1 12.4 260
14 x 1 13.0 292
15 x 1 13.7 332
16 x 1 13.9 339
18 x 1 14.2 373
19 x 1 14.5 381
20 x 1 15.2 416
21 x 1 15.4 422
24 x 1 17.3 510
25 x 1 17.5 517
30 x 1 18.2 583
32 x 1 18.9 628
34 x 1 19.5 678
37 x 1 19.7 699
40 x 1 20.4 752
42 x 1 21.3 810
50 x 1 23.2 942
61 x 1 24.7 1103
2 x 1.5 7.9 91
3 x 1.5 8.3 112
4 x 1.5 9.2 142
5 x 1.5 10.0 173
6 x 1.5 11.1 211
7 x 1.5 11.1 222
8 x 1.5 12.2 261
10 x 1.5 14.3 343
12 x 1.5 15.0 379
14 x 1.5 15.7 425
15 x 1.5 16.4 472
16 x 1.5 16.6 482
18 x 1.5 17.2 543
19 x 1.5 17.4 544
20 x 1.5 18.2 597
21 x 1.5 18.4 606
24 x 1.5 21.0 740
25 x 1.5 21.2 750
30 x 1.5 21.9 838
32 x 1.5 22.8 907
34 x 1.5 23.6 981
37 x 1.5 23.8 1013
40 x 1.5 24.6 1087
42 x 1.5 25.9 1192
50 x 1.5 28.4 1398
61 x 1.5 30.2 1634
2 x 2.5 8.7 116
3 x 2.5 9.4 154
4 x 2.5 10.3 192
5 x 2.5 11.4 240
7 x 2.5 12.6 309
8 x 2.5 13.8 366
10 x 2.5 16.1 470
12 x 2.5 16.8 520
14 x 2.5 17.8 596
15 x 2.5 18.7 653
18 x 2.5 19.6 753
19 x 2.5 19.8 771
20 x 2.5 20.8 846
21 x 2.5 21.0 861
24 x 2.5 23.8 1033
25 x 2.5 24.0 1051
30 x 2.5 24.8 1183
32 x 2.5 26.1 1304
34 x 2.5 26.9 1405
37 x 2.5 27.2 1458
40 x 2.5 28.3 1578
50 x 2.5 32.0 1961
61 x 2.5 33.8 2285
2 x 4 10.8 177
3 x 4 11.5 232
4 x 4 12.7 293
5 x 4 14.1 373
7 x 4 15.4 474
2 x 6 12.3 237
3 x 6 13.0 309
4 x 6 14.4 398
5 x 6 15.9 498
7 x 6 17.4 639
2 x 10 15.5 377
3 x 10 16.6 506
4 x 10 18.4 655
5 x 10 20.3 812
7 x 10 22.4 1057