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Cores Colour

JZ : Black cores with white numbering + yellow - green
OZ : Black cores with white numbering
JB : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293 + yellow - green
OB : Coloured cores according to VDE 0293


Stranded bare copper conductor, fine wire strand structure as per IEC 60228, class 5
PVC insulated cores
Core twisted in layers
First screen of aluminium mylar tape
Second screen of tinned copper wire braiding
PVC outer sheath
Sheath colour : grey, RAL7001


Use in instrumentation and control engineering where low current consumptions are required and transmission of the data must be continuous. These cables are ideal for voice communication in telecommunications system, for pulse, signal, data transmission application, in public address, two way intercom system and for all applications where high frequency interference can occur.

Electrical & Technical Data

Working voltage Uo/U : 300/500 V
Test Voltage  : 1000 VAC/1 min
Insulation Resistance                : ≥ 20 MΩ x km
Min. Bending Radius : approx. 15 x cable diameter
Temperature range : -50C to + 700C (Moved) 
  -300C to + 700C (Unmoved)
Flame retardancy : IEC 60332-1


Cross section


Outer Diameter

Cable Weight
2 x 0.5 5.7 44
3 x 0.5 6.2 56
4 x 0.5 6.6 67
5 x 0.5 7.1 80
6 x 0.5 7.6 97
7 x 0.5 7.9 101
8 x 0.5 8.4 114
10 x 0.5 9.9 149
12 x 0.5 10.3 161
14 x 0.5 10.9 185
16 x 0.5 11.5 210
18 x 0.5 12.3 239
20 x 0.5 12.7 256
21 x 0.5 12.7 259
25 x 0.5 14.6 323
30 x 0.5 15.2 364
34 x 0.5 16.6 431
40 x 0.5 17.1 473
50 x 0.5 19.5 595
2 x 0.75 6.3 55
3 x 0.75 6.6 67
4 x 0.75 7.1 81
5 x 0.75 7.9 101
6 x 0.75 8.3 118
7 x 0.75 8.5 124
8 x 0.75 9.3 145
10 x 0.75 11.0 192
12 x 0.75 11.4 210
14 x 0.75 12.1 241
16 x 0.75 12.7 269
18 x 0.75 13.6 309
20 x 0.75 14.1 334
25 x 0.75 16.0 411
30 x 0.75 16.8 472
34 x 0.75 18.2 550
40 x 0.75 18.8 607
50 x 0.75 21.4 763
2 x 1 6.7 63
3 x 1 7.0 79
4 x 1 7.8 99
5 x 1 8.4 119
6 x 1 8.9 145
7 x 1 9.3 152
8 x 1 9.9 173
10 x 1 12.1 239
12 x 1 12.4 256
14 x 1 13.0 288
16 x 1 13.9 334
18 x 1 14.6 371
20 x 1 15.3 409
25 x 1 17.5 511
30 x 1 18.3 579
34 x 1 19.8 673
40 x 1 20.4 744
50 x 1 23.3 936
2 x 1.5 7.9 87
3 x 1.5 8.3 109
4 x 1.5 9.2 138
5 x 1.5 10.0 168
6 x 1.5 10.6 206
7 x 1.5 11.1 216
8 x 1.5 12.2 257
10 x 1.5 14.4 340
12 x 1.5 15.0 373
14 x 1.5 15.7 418
16 x 1.5 16.6 477
18 x 1.5 17.5 530
20 x 1.5 18.5 539
25 x 1.5 21.2 740
30 x 1.5 21.9 828
34 x 1.5 23.9 975
40 x 1.5 24.7 1081
50 x 1.5 28.5 1389
2 x 2.5 8.7 112
3 x 2.5 9.4 149
4 x 2.5 10.3 187
5 x 2.5 11.4 238
6 x 2.5 12.2 288
7 x 2.5 12.6 305
8 x 2.5 13.8 361
10 x 2.5 16.4 475
12 x 2.5 16.8 514
14 x 2.5 17.4 553
16 x 2.5 18.4 659
18 x 2.5 19.5 709
20 x 2.5 20.5 817
25 x 2.5 23.0 935
30 x 2.5 24.5 1118
34 x 2.5 26.7 1322
2 x 4 10.0 155
3 x 4 10.7 205
4 x 4 11.8 260
5 x 4 13.0 326
2 x 6 12.4 225
3 x 6 13.3 304
4 x 6 14.7 388
5 x 6 16.4 493
2 x 10 10.0 155
3 x 10 10.7 205
4 x 10 11.8 260
5 x 10 13.0 326